ICT VISJHS Independent 學生主導 自主能力培養 VIS 國際實驗教育 國中部
ICT activity
During ICT activities, students become the leaders. They showed their nicely prepared presentation and shared what they learned in school with their parents. Some of them showed how much they have improved, some of them talked about difficulties they are facing, and some of them told us what they wish to learn. In VIS, we support our students to become independent where teachers and parents can provide support when you have problems, but you are ultimately the one who can solve them. That’s why it’s important for them to reflect on and share their learning results from their perspective. We are so happy to see our students willing to share with us and improve so much.
在ICT的活動中學生是我們的 #領導者,他們展現了準備充分的PPT也跟我們分享他們在學校的學習狀況,有些學生展現了他們的進步、有些跟我們訴說遇到學習上的困難、也有些與我們討論希望可以學習的方向,在VIS,我們希望學生可以『 #自主』,老師與家長是學生們的協助者、指引者,可以協助你面對問題,但只有你可以決定你的學習方向,因此從學生自己的角度 #探討學習成果 很重要,我們非常開心看到學生如此樂意分享也感動於他們的進步。