Our Program

#PBL #Exhibition #VISJHS #PBL展覽 #倒數ㄧ週 #VIS #國中部

This is the last week of preparation before our PBL Exhibition. Everyone in each PBL class looks busy and serious as if they’re preparing for a battle. To present our learning journey - students are focusing on making posters, editing videos, and real-life models of their concepts. The others are designing flyers and floor plans to get the exhibition going. Our printer has been printing non-stop, different tools and stationeries have been used everywhere as well. As usual, teachers and students collaborate together as we organize our very first PBL Exhibition this semester!


在這學期PBL展覽前的最後一週,所有同學像是戰鬥一般的忙碌與專注,負責Learning Journey的同學認真的製作海報、剪輯影片與佈置模型。另一部分的同學則設計傳單與場底圖,讓展覽能順利運行。印表機一刻都不下來、這種文具與工具都繁忙的使用著。老師與學生們同心協力為了我們這學期PBL第一場展覽。