Despite the weather not being favorable for outdoor activities, everything has continued as scheduled! As Mike would say, "There's no good or bad weather, only suitable clothing." Today, we’ve experienced complete immersion where we become one with nature.
As a teacher, I cannot help but worry about our students getting sick. However, I also realize that events in life will not always go according to plan, yet we can conquer these challenges by trying our best. Here, our students are focused on communicating with their teammates about capturing each other’s flags.
By the way, it’s been 10 hours since the students have touched their devices… how fantastic to see them fully absorbed in Mother Earth! Parents, we are all safe, and the kids are happy
即使天候似乎不是戶外活動的好時機,Camp Taiwan 為我們安排的各項活動還是如常進行,一如Mike 所說 “沒有好天氣或壞天氣,只有適不適合的穿著” 。
爸爸媽媽, 我們都很平安,孩子們也都很開心!