We had some adorable little visitors from "族中幼兒園" come to our booth! Our PBL recycling paper-making group showed the students how to turn recycled waste paper into a flat sheet of paper through the process of manual craftsmanship. To promote this environmentally-friendly concept, we invited the young classmates from "族中幼兒園" to experience the pulp recycling process. Our students, as older siblings, guided the younger children in learning the concept and participating in the activity. Everyone was thoroughly engaged and the children were delighted to take home their very own "new paper". It was a fulfilling experience for everyone involved!
來自「族中幼兒園」的可愛小夥伴來到我們攤位參觀了!這是我們 PBL 的回收造紙小組,學生們已經能夠透過手工的方式,將回收的廢紙重新製作成一張扁平的紙張了!為了推廣環保觀念,我們邀請了在民族實驗中學「族中幼兒園」的小同學們來體驗紙漿再造的過程。我們的學生展現了大哥哥大姐姐的力量,帶領著小朋友們學習環保觀念和參與活動,大家都忙得不亦樂乎。小朋友們帶著自己製作的「新紙」開心地回家了,大家都收穫滿滿!