Junior High

Zoom in & let us know what you spot!
“This felt peaceful & fun! I’m expressing myself without really knowing what I’m expressing, so I just drew random shapes.” - Joanne (Grade 8 student).
Here’s a glimpse into one of our after school classes - Me Time - which was established to provide a safe, inclusive, relaxing space for students to learn about wellbeing. During this particular session, students connected their breath with patterns inspired by mandalas.
Zoom in & let us know what you spot!
「這感覺很平靜又有趣!我在表達自己時並不真正知道自己在表達什麼,所以我畫了隨機的圖案。” - Joanne(八年級學生)。
照片是我們提供的其中一門課後課程,Me Time,該課程之所以建立是為了提供學生一個安全、包容、放鬆的空間來了解心理健康。在這天課程中,學生將他們的呼吸與受曼陀羅啟發的圖案聯繫起來。
#metime #mindful #mindfulcolouring #mindfulnessinschools #taipeiexperimentalschools #校園正念 #台北實驗學校 #VISJH