“Playing golf helps me fulfil my esteem needs because I win trophies from championships.” - Grade 8

“Playing golf helps me fulfil my esteem needs because I win trophies from championships.” - Grade 8 student.

With reference to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, students reflected on the ways different family structures impact an individual’s ability to fulfil their needs & explored how their own needs are fulfilled. Swipe to check out their collaborative pyramids & the symbols they chose to represent their ideas with!

「打高爾夫球可以幫助我滿足我的尊重需求,因為我贏得了錦標賽的獎杯。」- 8年級學生。


#maslowshierarchyofneeds #symbolism #collaborativelearning #teamwork #taipeiexperimentalschools #馬斯洛需求層次理論 #象徵 #合作性學習 #團隊合作 #台北實驗學校