Our Program




在中文課上,學生們吃完雷根糖(Jelly Bean)後,要以短文敘述糖果嚐起來味道如何,接著透過交換閱讀彼此的短文,找出誰與自己嚐到同一個口味。過程中學生們展開腦力激動,或以常見的食物做譬喻,或結合嗅覺寫出糖果的特點、不同階段的味覺轉變等等。


Unlocking the Senses: From Blank Pages to Flavorful Words 

Many students shy away from writing, unsure of how to begin. In our Chinese class, we turned to Jelly beans to spark creativity. After tasting these treats, students had to craft short pieces of writing describing the candy's taste. Then, they read each other's writing to discover how everyone shared their experience. 

During this process, students let their imaginations run wild, drew connections with everyday foods and blended their sense of smell to capture the candy's essence.

Though the writing pieces weren't long, since students tapped into their five senses, this truly became an engaging experience. #味覺 #體驗 #雷根糖 #短文 #寫作 #聯想 #創意 #writingjourney #creativity #jellybeans #heavenorhell #VISJH