For our PBL classes this semester, we [grade 10 students at VIS] have learned about "Ethics"
Our class has been sorted into five ethics schools: Utilitarian, Neoliberal, Rawlsian, Kantian, and Virtue Ethics. We have constructed journals, containing our real-life choices that we made based off of our respective schools. Not only that, we have made a CBC ethics survey, which tells you which school would suit you best
If we have piqued your interest, please come to our exhibition where we have the survey on display for you to take.
VIS PBL Exhibition
2023/12/09 (SAT, 六) 10am - 17pm
Songshan Cultural & Creative Park 松山文創園區1號倉庫 (A1) https://reurl.cc/8N8L6X
112-1 PBL期末成果展
誠摯地邀請您參加本學期PBL 專案學習 #期末成果展。
VIS PBL Exhibition
2023/12/09 (SAT, 六) 10am - 17pm
Songshan Cultural & Creative Park 松山文創園區1號倉庫 (A1) https://reurl.cc/8N8L6X