Our Program
展場回顧:讓我們一同欣賞當天 PBL Exhibition 同學們精心設計的攤位!



#Exhibition Recap: Let's appreciate the carefully designed booths by #PBL Exhibition students on that day! Each booth was meticulously planned by the students to vividly #showcase their #creative concepts. Some groups used #organic ingredients to make #cookies for visitors to savor their creativity. Others utilized #recycled #PET bottles to create new items through 3D printing, and so on.

Through visiting the booths, everyone not only gained a deeper understanding of the students' ideas but also had the opportunity to get hands-on experiences. This interactive exhibition was truly fantastic, wouldn't you agree?

展場回顧:讓我們一同欣賞當天 PBL Exhibition 同學們精心設計的攤位!每個主題攤位都是由同學精心策劃,為了清晰呈現同學們的 #創意理念。有些組別以 #有機食材 製作餅乾,讓參觀者品味創意;也有使用回收的 #寶特瓶,透過3D列印製作全新的物品...等等。

透過參觀攤位,大家不僅能深入了解同學們的構想,甚至可以親自動手體驗。這樣的 #互動展覽 實在是再棒不過了,大家說是嗎?

#VIS #PBL #exhibition #Songshan