The #NTU #Experimental Class concluded last week! After a semester of #theoretical and hands-on #science courses, everyone must have gained a lot. Especially in the practical courses, I believe it helped deepen everyone's understanding of the #chemical reactions and their applications in #chemistry.
Congratulations to the G10 students for completing this small-scale scientific journey, and also congratulations to everyone for receiving certificates that best represent their achievements! During the Christmas holiday, don't forget to continue reviewing what you have learned at school and explore new areas of knowledge.
#NTU台大實驗課 在上週結業囉!透過一學期的 #理論及實作科學課程,大家應該是收穫滿滿吧~尤其是 #實作的課程 相信能夠讓大家更理解化學中的交互反應是如何產生以及應用。
恭喜 G10 的同學結束了這趟小型的 #科學之旅,也恭喜大家也拿到了最符合自己的獎狀!聖誕假期期間大家不要忘了繼續複習學校所學的內容以及繼續接觸新領域的知識。
#VIS #NTU #實驗課 #實作