This week, VIS hosted Project-Based Learning Coach Kyle Wagner. Kyle visited our student mock #exhibition, where he saw first hand the value our #PBL program has for VIS students. He also, led our Grade 12 students though a meaning reflection about their semester, was interview by VIS #Radio, and led a project reflection workshop with our teachers. It was a packed day and the energy at the school was amazing. The school is absolutely buzzing this week in anticipation for next week's exhibition, and Kyle's visit couldn't have come at a better time.
We are so lucky to be a part of the growing PBL community and have the opportunity to learn from the industry's best.
Thank you, Kyle, for all your help and support, and we look forward to your next visit!
來自美國加州 High Tech High學校的Kyle Wagner目前是全世界多所 #頂尖國際學校的 PBL Coach,也是VIS合作多年的 PBL Coach,今天他特別來到台灣在VIS與全體PBL老師一起研習PBL的 #理論與實際運用!
#HighTechHigh #HTH #PBL #pblcoach #ProjectBasedLearning #ProblemBasedLearning #VIS