Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker
特別邀請 加拿大夥伴學校CIC創辦人 Mr. Clement Chan 來臺灣為 VIS 的同學們進行加拿大學習環境及前往世界一流大學介紹的學術演講。
Every year, VIS specially invites Mr. Clement Chan, the founder of our Canadian partner school, Columbia International College (CIC), to Taiwan to give academic lectures to VIS students about the Canadian learning environment and opportunities to attend world-class universities.
This year, the lecture will be held on March 19th (Tuesday) at 14:00 in the National Central Library B1 Multipurpose Performance Hall(20 Zhongshan South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City). We hope to see you all there!
每年VIS都會特別邀請 #加拿大夥伴學校 #Columbia International College(#CIC)創辦人Mr. Clement Chan 來臺灣為 VIS 的同學們進行 #加拿大學習環境 及前往 #世界一流大學 介紹的學術演講。
今年演講日為 3/19 (二) 14:00 於 #國家圖書館 B1 多功能演藝廳,我們不見不散。
#VIS #CIC #夥伴學校 #演講