Student Spotlight
恭喜 G12 Alex 林益勤,Alex 在課外測驗 SAT 數學榮獲 710分!


Let's all congratulate G12 student Alex Lin for achieving an impressive score of 710 in the SAT Mathematics #SubjectTest! We welcome VIS students to confidently apply for school scholarships, whether showcasing #specialtalents, excelling in #extracurriculartests, or participating in #academicconferences. All are encouraged to apply!


讓我們大家一起恭喜 G12 Alex 林益勤,Alex 在 #課外測驗 #SAT 數學榮獲 710分!

歡迎 VIS 的同學們大方地向學校申請獎學金!不論是 #特殊才藝、 #課外測驗、#學術研討會...等,都歡迎申請唷~

#VIS #獎學金 #SAT #數學710