Seminar on Online Bullying.

VIS recently held a seminar on #online #bullying. The aim of this event was to raise awareness among students, parents, and teachers about the issue of #cyberbullying and to discuss strategies for #prevention and #intervention. The seminar emphasized the importance of respect and understanding in the online world, and encouraged everyone to actively contribute to creating a friendly and safe online environment.

VIS最近舉辦了一場關於 #網絡欺凌 的講座。這次活動旨在提高學生、家長和老師對於網絡欺凌問題的認識,並探討如何預防和應對這一問題。講座中強調了尊重和理解在線世界中的重要性,並鼓勵大家積極參與創建一個友善、安全的網絡環境。

#VIS #網路 #霸凌 #Online #Bullying