
At the beginning of each semester, our counselor Chloe visits each class to educate students on the importance of personal #privacy and school-related matters. This semester, the emphasis is on highlighting the significance of #safeguarding personal privacy and fostering positive relationships with peers and teachers at school. By promoting #awareness of personal privacy among students, we aim to cultivate a respectful and harmonious campus atmosphere where students feel safe and respected.

每個學期開始時,我們的輔導老師Chloe都會進入各個班級,宣導與 #個人隱私 和 #校園安全 相關的重要知識。本學期強調保護個人隱私的重要性,以及如何在學校中與同學、師長保持良好的關係。透過進班宣導來提高同學對個人隱私的意識,還有助於建立一個 #尊重和融洽的校園氛圍,讓學生感受到安全和尊重。

#VIS #輔導室 #輔導 #校園防治