#2024ChallengeTaiwan #2024CT鐵人三項 #ShineinEVERYCHALLENGE #運動家精神 #marathon #Triathlon
Triathlon has been my favorite sport since ninth grade, combining swimming, cycling, and running into one sport. Last week, I had the opportunity to participate in the 2024 Challenge Taiwan #113KM Triathlon Race in Taitung, which included a 1.9KM swim across the Flowing Lake(活水湖), a 90KM bike ride through the east coast, and a half-marathon, which is a 21KM run.
Even balancing my training schedule with schoolwork has been tough, but it’s all been part of the journey. Fortunately, I completed this year's race in 6 hours and 18 minutes, placing #10 in the 18-24 age group, this was an improvement of an hour and a half compared to my previous race from 2023. I’m very grateful for the huge support from my friends and especially my parents, their encouragement has been invaluable, also big thanks to VIS for helping me manage my training and studies.
What I love most about triathlon is the strong sense of community, during the race, I get support from spectators and other participants, even though we don’t know each other It’s not just about competing; it’s about everyone coming together to push their limits. support each other, and enjoy the race. This is what motivates me to keep going and to become better, I remember a slogan from the race last year that can perfectly describe my feeling on this, “Always Better Together, We are Triathletes”.
As I reflect on my performance and look forward to future races, my goal is to simply enjoy each moment and embrace the journey of personal growth in this sport I love. The experience is about more than just times and rankings—it's about learning, growing, and enjoying each race.
By G11 Jordan Wang
感謝11年級 Jordan Wang 同學心得分享
Jordan 決定挑戰成人組別並成功地完成了比賽,同時獲得了第十名的好成績,這對於一位高中生來說,完成長達六小時的鐵人三項賽,展現令人佩服的運動家精神,是個非常了不起的成就,大家一起恭喜他吧!