#Congratulations to the VIS Business Club Members Annie Pang, Carol Hung, Celina Hsu, Miu Huang, and Stanley Pang for their incredible achievement of reaching the finals of the prestigious #GYEC 2024 International Business Competition!
Your hard work, dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit have paid off. Making it to the final round and becoming one of only three #Taiwanese representatives of this highly competitive event of 149 teams is a testament to your business acumen and innovative ideas. The team is pictured here with their Quest Buddy device, which was designed as an adaptive learning tool for children with learning needs.
You can see their video presentation here: https://reurl.cc/lQe6Gd !
The entire VIS community is behind you as you gear up for the finals on May 25th as you compete against other finalists from #Canada, #Germany, #Japan, the United Kingdom, the #USA, and many more. We wish you the very best of luck! Go out there, showcase your talents, and make us proud.
No matter the outcome, you've already proven yourselves as capable young entrepreneurs. This experience will undoubtedly open up new doors and opportunities for your future endeavours.
We'll be cheering you on every step of the way. Best of luck!
恭喜 VIS Business Club 社員:Annie Pang、Carol Hung、Celina Hsu、Miu Huang 和 Stanley Pang 成功晉級2024年國際商業競賽GYEC的決賽!
本次VIS Business Club晉級決賽成為149組隊伍中僅有的三組台灣代表之一,這是對社員們商業頭腦和創新想法的肯定。
圖中Miu Huang正展示他們的Quest Buddy設備,這是一款針對有學習需求的兒童設計的適應性學習工具。
歡迎在Youtube上觀看他們的演示:https://reurl.cc/lQe6Gd !
VIS Business Club 成員在5月25日的決賽將與來自加拿大、德國、日本、英國、美國等地的其他決賽選手一較高下,去展示你們的才華,讓我們感到驕傲。