Academic Presentation with CIC & U of T: Part I
On Wednesday, Mr. Clement Chan - Founder of Columbia International College (CIC), our Canadian partner school, and Mr. Ken Withers - Director of University Student Recruitment from the University of Toronto, one of the top universities globally, gave an excellent speech to the VIS students, staff, and teachers.
We kicked off the presentation with our own Hans Yang, who gave an excellent introduction to the guests. Fun fact about Hans: he did not speak English very well two years ago, but now, he was the host of the academic presentation. This transformation showcases his hard work and dedication to improving his language skills, inspiring his peers to strive for personal growth.
Next, our PBL director Byron Clarke gave heartfelt thanks to our esteemed guests. Byron has been working tirelessly to keep the PBL programs running smoothly, ensuring that students are actively engaged in problem-based learning. His appreciation highlighted the collaborative efforts between the teachers and our international partners, emphasizing the importance of innovative educational approaches.
Students were excited to listen to Mr. Withers’ presentation, as he started off by comparing the study habits of Taiwanese students and Canadian students. While Taiwanese students spend very long hours studying, Canadian students focus more on balanced learning and extracurricular activities. However, Mr. Withers did not declare one culture as better than the other, but instead encouraged students to adopt the best aspects of both to achieve optimal learning outcomes.
In the next post, we will delve into Mr. Withers’ speech and provide more insights.
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與CIC & U of T的學術分享會(上)
這週三,來自我們加拿大合作學校——哥倫比亞國際學院(CIC)的創辦人Clement Chan先生,以及全球頂尖大學多倫多大學的招生主任Ken Withers先生,為VIS的學生、教職員進行了一場精彩的演講。
我們首先由十年級的Hans Yang同學為來賓做了優秀的介紹。趣事是,兩年前Hans的英語並不流利,但如今他成為了這次學術分享會的主持人,這一轉變展示了他的努力和毅力,激勵同儕不斷自我提升。
接著,我們的PBL主任Byron Clarke老師向尊敬的嘉賓表達了誠摯的感謝。Byron老師一直在努力維持PBL計劃的順利運作,確保學生們積極參與問題導向的學習。他的感謝強調了教師與國際合作夥伴之間的合作努力,突顯了創新教育方法的重要性。
學生們對Ken Withers先生的演講感到非常興奮,因為他在演講一開始就比較了台灣學生和加拿大學生的學習習慣。雖然台灣學生花費了很長時間在學習上,而加拿大學生則更注重學習與課外活動的平衡。然而,Withers先生並沒有說哪一種文化的學習精神更好,而是鼓勵學生們採取兩者的優點,以達到最佳的學習成果。