Discover Taipei:讓台灣的歷史與文化活現

Discover Taipei is hitting the heart of Taipei again to delve into Taiwan’s rich history and vibrant culture. Our students led an engaging walking tour, beginning at the North Gate Station, where they introduced the North Gate and the Old Walled City. The tour then moved to the Taipei Main Station area, and eventually to the 228 Peace Memorial Park. Each assigned student shared a piece of history about the heart of Taipei, highlighting interesting historical aspects of each monument and area. Their passion and knowledge provided our guests with a comprehensive and insightful tour, earning enthusiastic applause at the end. It was a wonderful opportunity for students to showcase their storytelling skills and deepen their understanding of Taipei’s heritage.

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Discover Taipei再次深入台北市中心,探索台灣豐富的歷史與多彩的文化。學生們帶領著嘉賓們開始了精彩的步行導覽,首先來到北門站,介紹了北門和舊城牆。接著,他們帶領大家前往台北車站區域,最終到達228和平紀念公園。每位分配的學生都分享了台北核心地區的一段歷史,並介紹了每個紀念碑或地區的有趣歷史面貌。他們的熱情與知識為嘉賓們提供了一次全面且有見地的導覽,最後贏得了熱烈的掌聲。這是學生們展示講故事技巧和深入了解台北遺產的絕佳機會。