Message from VIS

Message from VIS
VIS Honors Program x Professor YiLin Chiang
The Honors Program students learned a lot from Professor YiLin Chiang’s lecture at NCCU.
Not only did the group enjoy the scenery of the NCCU campus through our spontaneous hike across campus, the group also go to sit in a college lecture hall to listen to Professor Chiang speak.
The students learned about the hierarchy of “learners” and the long term effects of one’s education and upbringing. The students engaged actively and were more engaged than ever because they connected greatly to the topics of education and one’s “given” social status.
#特別感謝姜以琳教授為我們指導 #VIS #國際實驗教育 #菁英班 #NCCU #姜以琳教授 #國立政治大學社會學系教師 國立政治大學 National Chengchi University (NCCU)