As we all know. the last year of high school is critical for a student's future plans. In order to ensure that each student has the most suitable learning path, VIS is gathering the advantages of our exclusive partner school - CIC (Columbia International College), for you and your child.
On the date, not only will the principal personally explain in detail the opportunities available, multiple graduate alumnis will also be present to share important insights from their CIC high school experience.
We sincerely invite you to come and participate in this valuable and informative session.
新年新氣象!今年暑假即將升上12年級的同學們,可選擇VIS最具世界百大優勢的升學進路,1/16(週日)下午1點特別籌劃「加拿大夥伴學校CIC升學優勢說明及 CIC校友分享會」。
去年在加拿大夥伴學校CIC畢業的VIS同學們,100%錄取加拿大U15大學聯盟,近九成錄取世界排名前20的大學,申請加拿大、英國、澳洲的世界百大名校不需準備SAT、ACT、AP,也不需要Foundation Year。
#本活動僅邀請VIS_11年級在校生與家長 #加拿大夥伴學校CIC #升學優勢說明會 #畢業生獲多倫多大學等加拿大頂尖院校錄取人數連續多年排名世界第一 #直接申請英國澳洲世界百大不需Foundation #CIC認可VIS就學期間的所有學分 #加拿大升學第一名校 #VIS #國際實驗教育