Message from VIS

Message from VIS
VIS同學參訪臺灣立法院 - 觀摩議會議程
參訪臺灣立法院 觀摩議會議程 同學心得分享 VIS 國際實驗教育 高中部 在地學習
G11-Chloe Liu 心得分享:
Last week, we were lucky to visit the legislative yuan and watch their conference. Before the visit, we also got the chance to interview ambassadors of Vienna and Bratislava, and we received souvenirs for some of the legislators.
We then got the chance to visit the legislative court and attend the conference in person. During the conference, we watched members argue and discuss about the economy of milkfish production, and a guide showed us around the entire place. We are very grateful for this opportunity.
參訪同學:(相片左至右:Arthur Tsai、Olivia Wang、Chloe Liu、Amos Wang、Gino Tsai)