VIS Updates
VIS High School is now a Member of the Council of International Schools!

#VIS已正式加入CIS國際學校理事會成為會員學校 #CIS #Councilofinternationalschools

VIS High School is now a Member of the Council of International Schools!

We are excited to announce our Membership to CIS.

VIS joins CIS, a global non-profit membership organization, to demonstrate our commitment to working collaboratively to shape international education at a high standard.

As a member of CIS, we are part of a worldwide community of 1,360 schools and universities in 121 countries.

Together, we are committed to the development of global citizenship through high-quality international education, as well as promoting international and intercultural understanding, collaboration and support through the membership activities and resources.


CIS (Council of International Schools)國際學校理事會旗下的會員學校遍布世界各地,無論是大學或中學都是當地首屈一指、名聲卓越的超級名校。

如位於美國紐約創校於1872年的百年貴族名校Dwight School,美國普林斯頓、耶魯、康乃爾、賓州、布朗、達特茅斯等多所常春藤大學,及約翰霍普金斯、柏克萊、紐約、西北、杜克、卡內基美隆、UCLA、Rice、Emory 、波士頓、普渡、南加大、聖母等頂尖大學,英國的牛津、劍橋、帝國理工學院、LSE倫敦政經學院、KCL國王學院,加拿大的多倫多、麥基爾、英屬哥倫比亞大學,澳洲的雪梨、墨爾本、新南威爾斯大學,法國Sciences Po巴黎政治學院、ESCP歐洲高等商學院、ESSEC高等經濟商學院,荷蘭的阿姆斯特丹、萊頓、烏特列支大學,比利時魯汶大學,香港的香港大學、香港中文大學、香港理工大學及香港耀中國際學校等,都是CIS的會員學校。
