Our Program

Our Program
G10 PBL: 八仙六代園 Filed Trip
In the G10 #PBL course, we visited the 'Ba Xian Liu Dai Yuan' located in #Beitou, where we conducted a field survey. It is one of the few remaining rice paddies in Taipei. Each student had the opportunity to interview the owner of the rice paddies, discussing the four core principles presented by the owner: Return, Protect, Sustain, and Pass On. These #interviews enriched our PBL course discussions.
Mr. Huang, the owner, enthusiastically answered our questions and guided our classmates in hands-on #farming operations, providing detailed explanations along the way!
G10 PBL 的課程中我們前往了位於北投的「#八仙六代園」,進行了實地勘查,是 #台北 少數僅存的稻田,我們每位學生對於稻田的主人所提出的四大理念:回歸、守護、永續、傳承,進行訪問,以利我們PBL課程深入探討,園主 黃先生也很熱情的逐一回答並且帶領同學到 #實地進行 #農務 的操作與講解!
#PBL #VIS #採訪 #實地考察