Our Program

PBL SocialStudy Reference #VIS 城市建設 VIS 國中部


The topic of this PBL is City Building. In a limited size city, our students have to think of the necessary facilities to make this city function. From government and city council, down to public transportation and market, students worked hard to consider all the elements. There is one new challenge for the students, this time they need to learn about references. When our classmates are searching for information, they have to also think about where does this information come from, is it correct and why do I use it? How to reference correctly is a very important skill and step by step this will support us in future studies.


這次PBL的主題是城市建設,學生們必須在有限的空間裡,思考 #建立一座現代城市必要的條件,下至市集、大眾運輸,上至政府機關、議會等等。學生們絞盡腦汁,設法建造一座最棒的城市。但這次學生們有一個不一樣的挑戰,我們要學習如何“引用”資訊":在學生搜集資料的同時,必須了解資料的來源、資料的正確性、為什麼參考這項資料。資料參考是學習過程中非常重要的能力,我們將透過各種學習方式慢慢熟練它!