#VISJHS #ClosingCeremony #Awards #結業式 #VIS #國際實驗教育 #國中部
Today is our closing ceremony, what a special day! During this semester, every student shone in their unique way. To recognize everyone’s personality and performances from the teachers’ perspectives, we arranged an event to hand out special awards.
Everyone was very excited to find out what they would receive. We gave out awards including the Piano Prodigy Award, Nice Guy Award, Rock Solid Award, and of course the Outstanding Award for each class. Congratulations to all the students, your achievements are impressive!
We always end the semester with laughter and farewells, what a fruitful semester it’s been after heaps of improvement!
Happy Lunar new year!
今天是VIS JHS在民族第一學期的結業式。如同VIS 希望每位同學都用自己的方式發光發熱,在這個學期結束前,我們也透過老師們的眼睛,讓同學們知道自己的個人特質與長項。