微軟人工智慧研發中心 鴻海科技數據 AI技術 校外教學 VISJH 國中部
Today, with the introduction from former Microsoft Vice President of the R&D center, and Chairman of Foxconn Breaktime INC. - Mr. Yeh, we came to the Microsoft office to visit their working environment and see their technology. At the front gates, we were already surprised by the AI fortune-telling system. How AI is used in the practical world and what is big data? Director of Taiwan Development Center – Michael Chung introduced us to these topics using the easiest words as we visited the office.
Senior Client Executive EDU Public Sector - Johnny told us integrity, love of challenge, and taking responsibility are the personality traits that Microsoft values the most. Then he asked back what kind of person we want to become in the future. Our future might seem far away, but one day this knowledge and these values would become invaluable for our growth.
在 前台灣微軟研究開發部副總經理, 現任鴻海科技數據董事長葉光釗老師 的引薦下,我們來到Microsoft AI R&D 中心參觀。從一進門便打開了我們的眼界,透過AI技術的面相分析系統,我們玩得不亦樂乎。 台灣微軟研發中心張仁炯總經理,特別親自接待VIS 國中部師生,用深入淺出的解說,讓同學們更清楚大數據的應用, AI對生活的改變,以及Microsoft企業如何協助增進我們的生活。
公共事務群協理-王協理在講座中聊到在Microsoft工作的特質,包含 誠實正直、 富有責任、 熱愛挑戰 等,並反問同學對自己未來的 挑戰 與 期許。未來做什麼工作或許還離同學們有一段距離,但將這些放在心中,在成長的路上或許有一天會有所幫助。