臺大農場 NTU 校外教學 認識植物 田野調查 VISJH 國中部
Our students wore bamboo hats, experienced the smell of the leaves on their hands, tasted the green coffee beans, played a rope pull game with little clovers, and stepped on the dirt as they ate the freshest carrot on the farm.
These moments comprised the nature sense experience activity. Last Friday, we came to the NTU experimental farm.
We learned a secret heath code 579 and created our plant arts – a grass hair doll. In nature, we enjoyed a comfortable afternoon and we can’t wait to see the doll’s grass hair grow longer!
戴上一個個斗笠,沒想到城市之中居然有一個世外桃源! 上週五,我們來到台大農場園藝分場,獲得食得健康的關鍵密碼-蔬食579,也體驗徜徉在田野發現不同味道的樂趣。
回到手作教室內,同學們完成自己獨創的草頭寶寶植栽,共同期待著寶寶頭髮(達冠草)長出來的那一天! 我們度過了一個有趣豐富又療癒的下午!