恭喜 G11-羅樂仰 Leyoung 成為 VIS 第一人成功申請 「#參加學術研討會獎學金」!我們邀請菁英班的李教授與蔡教授共同頒獎,同學獲邀前往 #美國德州,參加「#美國南方人口學會2023年會」,並在此高度嚴肅的學術場合中發表他的 #研究論文。本次研究論文的主題:「#經濟發展 與 #所得不平等 之間的異質關係」,引起了與會的知名大學教授和學者們的廣泛關注和迴響。儘管是高中學生,羅樂仰同學是唯一代表VIS和台灣的代表,且是 #本次年會中唯一參與的高中學生,在這個卓越的 #國際學術 大會上為VIS和台灣爭光。
以下為 G11 Leyoung 心得:The #debate on how we as a society should achieve #economic growth has been ongoing for centuries, but a complementary discussion on how we can achieve such growth while equally distributing its benefits has been of far greater relevance in recent decades. I started the "#Heterogeneous Relationships between Income Inequality and Economic Development" project at the Honors Program due to the inspiration I had gained after reading the great economist Simon Kuznets's (1955) seminal work. Kuznets envisioned a model of a society's economic development to exacerbate inequality initially but relieve it in later stages of development, envisioning an inverted-u-shaped relationship between economic development and income inequality. The idea was to test Kuznets's theory with real empirical data but to take a more "#heterogeneous" approach. I treated each country in my dataset individually, as opposed to what other researchers had done before. After working on the project on and off for several months, along with several revisions, I submitted the abstract to the Southern Demographic Association's Annual Meeting in Texas for an oral presentation in August of 2023, hopefully to present in October of the same year.
After being notified of my acceptance into the conference, I spent the remainder of my time preparing. This preparation involved refining my presentation slides and practising what I would say, such as improving readability and ensuring my slides and words easily convey the points I wanted to make. Hence, I went into the presentation feeling nervous but knowing I would do a good job since I felt reasonably prepared. After my #presentation, the first question I got was, "Are you really a high school student?" The value of such a question aside, I did feel proud at that moment, that I had accomplished something that the University Professors in the room were impressed by. This sense of accomplishment keeps me motivated, that I can achieve many things as long as I put in the time to do so.
#VIS #schoolarship #researchproject #economicgrowth #incomeinequality #presentation #AcademicAchievement