Student Spotlight
恭喜 G11 Carol 洪愛甯,Carol 在教育盃 高中女子單人網球 競賽中 榮獲亞軍!


Let's all congratulate G11 Carol Hong Ai-Ning. Carol achieved second place in the #Education Cup High School Girls' Singles #Tennis #Competition!

VIS students, feel free to apply for scholarships from the school boldly! Whether it's special talents, extracurricular tests, academic conferences, etc., there are opportunities to apply.


讓我們大家一起恭喜 G11 Carol 洪愛甯,Carol 在 #教育盃 #高中女子單人網球 競賽中 榮獲 #亞軍!

歡迎 VIS 的同學們大膽的向學校申請獎學金!不論是 #特殊才藝、 #課外測驗、#學術研討會...等,都有機會申請唷~