Study Abroad Seminar


#AP大學先修課程 #申請美國頂尖大學

#選修適合的AP提高GPA #美國大學理事會CollegeBoard

2022Fall & 2023 Spring AP course Online Seminar

新學年AP課程 線上說明會

Advanced Placement (AP, for short) courses are pre-university courses approved by U.S. College Board. AP courses will be as difficult as first-year college courses. VIS is an international school that provides AP courses to Grade 9 students, which is not often found in other schools.

The advantages of AP courses:

1. In addition to giving you more of a competitive edge when applying to college, many colleges also consider AP as a college credit.

2. Depending on the requirements set by each university, AP test results can be used toward general education credits.

3. The credit you get from the AP course will be weighted 1 point more in your high school GPA. It wll be a great advantage when you apply to American colleges.

VIS invites you to join the 2022 Fall & 2023 Spring AP course Online Seminar. It is important to know the AP course and international education. Also, you can learn the best way to enhance your GPA by choosing the suitable AP course. That's the greatest advantage to apply the college.

Advanced Placement (簡稱AP課程)為美國大學理事會College Board所頒布之大學先修課程,難度相當於大學一年級程度,VIS是 #少數在台灣提供9年級學生即可選修AP課程的國際學校





VIS邀請您報名參加2022 Fall & 2023 Spring AP 課程線上說明會,了解AP課程與國際教育的重要性,以及如何選擇適合的AP課程來提高GPA,在申請大學時更具優勢!!

時間: 2022/03/27 13:00-14:00

軟體: Google Meet


